Goodness it’s taken me awhile to blog a session again. Thanks for your patience! I’m trying to juggle a few projects and being a Mom is a full time job in itself!
I love this job because I get to meet the greatest families. It’s hard not to become close with them after we have a fun session but then also design artwork for their home. I couldn’t believe how much their boy had grown in just a month’s time when I was at their home to help install their gallery wall. Made me realize just how important photos are to have. Some of us more than others know just how quickly life can change. What you had intended to be nice photos for your Christmas card could become one of your most treasured possessions. This little guy will be able to see himself being loved on by Mom and Dad every time he goes through the dining room. And having an album of their session will give him a picture book he’ll love for years to come. The true value in these photos won’t be truly appreciated for a few years when his parents will start daydreaming of the way it used to be when he was a baby. When I plan for your session I kind of act as if I’m traveling back in time to this moment and try to capture all the things you will miss and want to remember. Then after the session I help you decide how you want to preserve your photos and what media you want to see them in years later. No matter what photographer you use don’t let uploading your digital files to your computer be the end of your session. Make sure you PRINT your photos so they can be seen in passing everyday.
Enjoy this sweet family session from October in Clintonville Ohio
Wardrobe by Style & Select. Hair & Makeup by The Blow-dry Cafe
Emily Dowell is a seasoned family
photographer and print designer living
in Central Ohio. She specializes in
creating intentional artwork to
preserve irreplaceable memories that
can be beautifully displayed and
shared for years to come.